Adam Ain't No Kidd

Gonzales por vida.

In Due Time

The most trying experiences yield the most valuable lessons. "Wisdom wasn't found on a soft bed and a full stomach". (From the upcoming 'Boys Becoming Men' exhibit)

Doug Aitken

Make no bones about it, it's happening for real.

Sibling Rivalry

And we're not talking about Jen or BCO here.


And I'm open to everything.  And I mean everything.

Serra x (?)

There is one potential collaborator in mind but we will have to wait and see.


Add some turquoise jewelry and it's go time.

Everybody Dance

Turn around and clap your hands, clap your hands.

Rest In Peace Rat Face Killer

Little Abner, Black Princess, Le Petit Chien Noire, Le Grande Chien Noire, In all her Glory, So Black She's Navy Blue, My Sweet Hound, Petit Champignon, Black Bear. Your lightening fast reflexes prevented a rodent from compromising our home. You were such a great dog. You were loved and will be dearly missed.

Soon Enough

Rockers from Toronto invade Echo Park.

The Grass

Is greener.


Working Full Time

Falling in love is the easy part,

it's natural.

Falling out of love

is hard,

you have to work at it.


And many more.